Academic Contributions
ABC draws from research and contributes to it. We are particularly proud of students' engagement in the academic process, and the opportunities we fostered for communities to provide us with feedback on our preliminary findings about them. In the interest of open scholarship, we include the materials whenever possible.
2025, January

Kerala, India
Cochin, Kerala, India: Traditional fishing nets
Photo by Franz Hajak on Unsplash
Blane, A., Karczewska, J., Gaber, K., Barnett, E., & Gonzalez, C. (2025, Jan. 8-10) “Enhancing Financial Capability Among Latine First-Generation College Students and their Families through Service-Learning Assignments”. Kakkanad, India: 24th International Consortium of Social Development (ICSD) Biennial Conference.
Jones, E. & Karczewska, J. (2025, Jan. 8-10) “From Substance Abuse to Financial Wellbeing: A New Path to Immediate Gratification in Recovery”. Kakkanad, India: 24th International Consortium of Social Development (ICSD) Biennial Conference.
Karczewska, J. & Barnett, E. (2025, Jan. 8-10) “Achieving Financial Capability and Asset Building for All Social Work Students”. Kakkanad, India: 24th International Consortium of Social Development (ICSD) Biennial Conference.
2024, January

Washington, D. C.
National Mall, Washington, DC, USA
Photo by Yohan Marion on Unsplash
Doran (Karczewska), J.K. (Jan. 13, 2024) “Financial Capability and Asset Building (FCAB) for All Social Work Students” (Innovation Incubator Presentation). Washington, D.C.: Society of Social Work Research.
Doran (Karczewska), J.K., Barnett, L., Willis, T., Zelaya, N., & Kurzban S. (Jan. 11, 2024). “Towards Transforming Social Work Education to Promote Financial Capability and Asset Building (FCAB) for All? An Evaluation of the Financial First Responder (FFR) Training” (Poster Presentation). Washington, D.C.: Society of Social Work Research
2023, November
Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
Photo by Gerhard Reus on Unsplash
Doran, J.K.; Barnett, L.; Zelaya, N.; Willis, T.; & Torres, M. (November 25, 2023). “Enhancing Social Service Workers’ Ability to Share Asset-Building Programs with Underserved Clients”. Baku, Azerbaijan: International Conference on Social Work and Research.
2020, September

St. Louis, MO
St. Louis, Missouri
Photo by Kenny Nguyá»…n on Unsplash
Doran, J.K. & Financial Capability Partner Workgroup/Office of Financial Empowerment (Sep. 3-5, 2020). “The Next Big Thing? Los Angeles County Anti-Poverty Policy Evolution Towards FCAB Orientation” (poster). St. Louis, MO: 2020 Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, Challenges and Next Steps (2020-2025).
Doran, J.K. (Sep. 3-5, 2020). “Assessing the Financial Knowledge, Behaviors, and Well-Being of College Students from Underserved Backgrounds” (poster). St. Louis, MO: 2020 Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, Challenges and Next Steps (2020-2025).
Doran, J.K. and Bagdasaryan, S. (2018). Infusing Financial Capability and Asset Building Content into a Community Organizing Class. Journal of Social Work Education, 54:1, 122-134, DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2017.1404523
Padua, L. and Doran, J.K. (2016). From being unbanked to becoming unbanked or unbankable: Community experts describe financial practices of Latinos in East Los Angeles. Journal of Community Practice, 24:4, 428-444, DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2016.1233477 (Haynes funded)